Ohio EPA Asset Management Rules
Ohio EPA’s asset management rules took effect November 8th. Most significantly requirements for an Asset Management Plan took effect OMHA sent email from EPA with attached guidance documents. The guidance document is applicable for use by non-community systems, mobile home parks, and homeowner’s associations, acts as a template for the requirements of an Asset Management Program.
The Asset Management Rules in Chapters 3745-87 and 3745-92 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) reflect the statutory change of Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 6109.24 which had an effective date of October 6, 2017, along with the existing capability rules to address the managerial, technical, and financial capability of water systems. These rules require all public water systems to have a written asset management program available for on-site inspection, however some water systems may be asked for a demonstration of their asset management program in more detail. A system may be asked for a demonstration in more detail if they are looking to receive a loan, are going through enforcement, or are otherwise struggling with capability issues.
The purpose of requiring an asset management program is to reduce the number of disruptions in service that are due to lack of maintenance and planning. The asset management rules require an asset management program of all public water systems. The rules include specificity on what is required in an asset management program. OEPA sees asset management as a way to improve the capability of the state’s water systems and improve the quality of service they provide. ORC Section 6109.24 required all public water systems to have an asset management program in place by October 1, 2018.
Guidance Documents: