The ‘people’ side of factory-built homes Make no mistake about it, the manufactured housing industry is also a people business. A lot has been written about the advantages of having a home built in a factory with all the protection of a factory roof and the modern technology that is housed in the plant … and it’s all true. The industry also has a professional army of men and women who run the plants and use the modern technology to
Read more →The inspection system for manufactured homes It can generally be acknowledged that a building code is only as good as the enforcement system that accompanies it. The manufactured home enforcement program required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a thorough and efficient system designed specifically for the factory production environment. Because the factory pace differs from that of the construction site, the manufactured home enforcement system is necessarily different too. The goal in both cases,
Read more →Inside a manufactured home There are two ways to build a home. Outdoors in the elements … where materials, workers and the entire homebuilding process are at the mercy of Mother Nature. Workers are limited to the use of only basic tools. It’s also a place where construction can come to a halt for long periods of time because of the shortage of workers, or weather conditions. Or, you can choose to have your home built in a controlled, modern
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